Empower Kids with Sharing – Vital Social Skills for Healthy Development

Imagine a world where every child, regardless of their geographical location or socio-economic background, has unfettered access to a vast reservoir of knowledge. Teachers dedicate themselves to creating this world daily, transcending time and space through the shared wisdom that molds young minds and shapes the future. The act of a teacher sharing knowledge goes beyond academic instruction; it acts as a spark, igniting curiosity, fostering creativity, and empowering the next generation to dream and innovate.

Once your child starts having playdates and visiting child care, preschool or kindergarten, he has to share with others. Children learn plenty from just watching what their parents do. Once you model good sharing and turn-taking in your family, it gives your children an excellent example to follow.

What is the value of sharing for kids?

Sharing is a fundamental skill that impacts children’s development in several significant ways. When kids share, they learn about empathy, cooperation, and problem-solving. It teaches them to take turns, negotiate, and play fair – integral aspects of forming healthy relationships. Furthermore, sharing fosters a sense of generosity and kindness, encouraging children to think about others’ needs and feelings. In a world increasingly interconnected, these skills are not just valuable, they’re essential. So whether you’re a parent, teacher, or caregiver, remember – every time you encourage a child to share, you’re helping shape their future success.

Why is sharing important for kids?

At what age do children understand the concept of sharing?

According to child development experts, children typically grasp the concept of sharing around ages 3 or 4. However, it’s crucial to recognize that children develop uniquely, understanding this concept at different stages. Parents and caregivers should model and encourage sharing early on, enabling children to learn and practice this skill as they grow. As children mature, they comprehend the significance of sharing and its impact on relationships and social interactions. Early promotion of this skill cultivates empathetic and cooperative individuals, preparing them for success in a connected world.

How do you teach the value of sharing?

How can parents teach their children about sharing?

Here are some ways to encourage sharing in everyday life:

Encouraging and reinforcing sharing behavior in children is a crucial aspect of their social development. Here, we will explore effective strategies to promote sharing and highlight the importance of this behavior in fostering positive interactions among children.

Pointing Out Positive Sharing

Acknowledge and commend instances of good sharing in others, providing specific examples. This approach helps children understand the concept of sharing and reinforces positive behavior. For instance, you can say, “Your friend demonstrated excellent sharing by willingly letting others play with her toys.”

Reinforcing Sharing Efforts

When you observe your child making an effort to share or take turns, offer praise and attention. Express appreciation for their actions, such as saying, “I appreciate the way you allowed Tom to play with your train. That was a fantastic display of sharing!”

Incorporating Sharing in Play

Engage in games with your child that involve sharing and turn-taking. This hands-on approach instills the true essence of sharing. Provide guidance during these activities by explaining steps like, “Now it’s my turn to build the tower, and then it’s your turn. Share the red blocks with me, and I’ll reciprocate with the green blocks.”

Preparing for Social Interactions

Before playdates or childcare/preschool sessions, discuss sharing expectations with your child. For example, you can say, “When Georgia visits, let’s share some of our toys. Why don’t we ask her what she’d like to play with?” Preemptive conversations about sharing can set positive expectations for social interactions.

Respecting Personal Boundaries

While promoting sharing, acknowledge that children can have special toys reserved for themselves. Suggest putting these toys aside when hosting playdates to minimize sharing-related conflicts. Emphasize that having personal belongings is acceptable, fostering a balanced approach to sharing.

How do you deal with a child that won’t share?

Sharing can be a challenging skill for children to acquire, especially in the initial stages of development. Most kids require practice and support to master this essential social skill. If your child faces difficulties in sharing, there are proactive steps you can take to facilitate their learning. Engaging in shared activities at home provides a conducive environment for practicing and discussing the concept of sharing. For example, you might say, “Let’s share this banana. You can have some, and I can have some.” This simple act reinforces the value of sharing in a practical context.

Many parents may be hesitant to arrange playdates if their child struggles with sharing. However, playdates can serve as valuable opportunities for skill development rather than being avoided. During these interactions, you can stay nearby and offer encouragement to ensure your child remembers to share. Positive reinforcement plays a crucial role; acknowledging their efforts and expressing pride when they attempt to share reinforces the behavior.

Consequences for not sharing:

For children over three years, it can help to make consequences for not sharing.

When you use consequences for not sharing, it’s important that the implications relate to the thing that’s being shared – or not shared! for instance, if children aren’t sharing a toy train, you would possibly take the train far away from both of them for a brief period of your time. Neither child can play with the train, therefore the consequence feels identical for both of them. This could also get children considering what they have to try and do if they require to play with the toy together.

When you think they’re ready, you’ll be able to give the toy back so children get another chance to point out they’ll share.

Understanding of The Value of Sharing at Different Ages


Your two-year-old probably doesn’t have an understanding of the value of sharing. In general, young toddlers believe they’re the center of the planet in which everything belongs to them. For sharing, children also must be ready to manage their emotions, and toddlers are only commencing to find out how to try to do this.

So consequences for not sharing probably won’t help your toddler learn to share. Instead, encouragement and practice will work better.

When another child has something your toddler really wants, your child will probably find it very hard to attend their turn. They might even try and get the toy any way they will be able to, or have a tantrum if they can’t get what they want.


By age three, many children are commencing to understand the value of sharing. As an example, your preschooler will probably understand that sharing equally is that the ‘fair’ thing to try and do, but he still won’t be keen to place sharing into action when it involves giving something up. They may also still be impatient when waiting for their turn.

You can build your preschooler’s sharing skills by awaiting and praising good turn-taking, encouraging fairness, and explaining about sharing. Simple activities that involve sharing and taking turns like kicking soccer goals or shooting basketball hoops may be helpful.

If there’s trouble, it can help to remind your preschooler how they’d feel if someone took their toy, or didn’t let them have a turn. reprehension about other people’s feelings will help them understand things from someone else’s point of view – this is often also a crucial skill in making friends.

It’s a decent idea to be realistic with a few preschooler’s abilities to share. At this age, most kids are still learning and might find it hard to grasp other people’s thoughts and emotions.

School-age children:

By the time most kids start school. They fully understand the value of sharing. Moreover, they’re starting to understand that people have feelings too. This suggests they’re more likely to share and alternate, although it would still be hard for them to share a favorite toy or game.

School-age children even have a powerful sense of fairness and won’t want to share a toy or play a game if they think they won’t get a good go. It’d help to test the principles of the games your child is playing, and reassure your child that they’ll all get a turn.

At this age, your child is going to be rather more patient and tolerant than they want to be. They’ll even be keen to try to do the proper thing and may form more complex relationships, which really helps with the thought of sharing. Your child can get many practice sharing in class too – as an example, sharing pencils at his desk or sharing paints in art.

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