5 Best Parenting Tips

Parenting is a task of utmost responsibility. Why is that so? Because even a single action is done without thought results in consequences, leave an impact that lasts for a lifetime. Yes, your child unconsciously develops a comping behavior. There are many through researches done when it comes to this concept. Today’s article will be all about facts.

Types of parenting.

Broadly classified, parenting happens in four methods. These are distinct. You might unconsciously be implying two or three styles together.

1. Authoritarian style

These parents leave no room for reason or talk between them and their child. Even though their children might become successful. At the end of the day, they will try to run away from ‘dictators’ the first chance they get. The children of such parents are usually efficient but unhappy.

2. Permissive/ Indulgent style.

Permissive parents are more of a friendly figure than a parent. They let their children decide whatever they want with a mindset that they will learn through lessons taught by experiences. They keep the stand of ‘kids are kids’. Children are unable to have a productive discussion regarding their future. Coming to my point that, parents never take their children’s opinions seriously. Which causes children to give a position to someone else in their life, such as friends. With no check on them, depending on their luck. They might find positive and building social relations or might find people that altogether influence their life in a bad way.

 3.Uninvolved style.

This style is rather cold and cruel ina way that the parents have zero involvement in their children’s grooming. They are extremely detached and too busy to check up on their kid. Such parents usually think that providing basic facilities such as food, shelter, education, and clothing are their only duties. Children usually develop a sense of independence and consider no one’s opinion. They have a very distant relation with the parents with zero communication.

Children by nature have been programmed to strive for their parent’s attention and approval. Which they rightfully deserve as well. Children denied approval often struggle later on. My point is, they look for approval from places they don’t need later on in life.

4. Authoritative style.

This type of parenting style is deemed the best. Parents exercise disciple while staying calm and giving their children the room to catch up. They respect their children’s pace. Not only that, but such a parenting style also enables communication. It allows the child to voice the difficulties they are facing. Such children have been seen to blossom as productive individuals who know their value and pace. They are good at forming social relations that are not toxic. Explore their limits.

5 best tips when it comes to parenting.

Although every parent has unique way of raising their child. Here are some proven tips that will help your child develop a better personality.

1. Be a safe haven.

Never reject your child’s approach to trying to voice their opinions. If you reject them once, they won’t try again. Instead, they will look for other people to confine in.

2. Practice patience and kindness.

children are in a learning phase while you have experienced life. It is your duty to bend. If you try to be stern and strict. They will reciprocate the same behavior with you later on in life.

3. Express your love.

We know you love your child but they don’t know. They do not understand your silent gestures like an adult would do. In fact, most of the time even adults don’t even understand it. Be expressive and voice your love for them. That is the only way for them to acknowledge it.

4. Tell them from wrong and right, calmly.

Your child never intends evil. Do not frame them for any such implications. Not only does it drive them away for you but it also makes them question their own morals. Indirectly, they will start believing they are so by default. When they do something wrong. It is best that you calmly explain what they have done. Its impact on other people and themselves. Reward them from stopping.

5. Be that friend who always wants their best.

You are the first social interaction for your child. It is best that make your self open enough for them to be comfortable with you. They respect you, do not doubt that.


Huang, C. Y., Costeines, J., Ayala, C., & Kaufman, J. S. (2014). Parenting Stress, Social Support, and Depression for Ethnic Minority Adolescent Mothers: Impact on Child Development. Journal of child and family studies23(2), 255–262. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-013-9807-1

Kuppens, S., & Ceulemans, E. (2019). Parenting Styles: A Closer Look at a Well-Known Concept. Journal of child and family studies28(1), 168–181. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-018-1242-x


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