Best Math Problem Solving Strategies for Kids!

Have you at any point given your students a money word problem where somebody purchases a thing from a store, yet your students concoct an answer where the individual that purchased the thing winds up with more cash than the person came in with? That is why here are the 5 Best Math Problem-Solving Strategies for Kids!

Problem-solving thinking is a unique little something that a significant number of our kids battle with. At the point when utilized adequately, addressing and performance can be useful assets for our students to utilize when taking care of these sorts of issues.

Here are 5 best math problem-solving strategies for kids!

Kids often get baffled when they face a math problem! Be it a class discussion or in a test. For starters, we need to reassure the kids that they can solve it! The answer is in the question statement. Maintain the stance that if they read hard enough! They will understand that the answer is in the statement. This is the key to math problem-solving strategies!

It is not a problem!

It helps if you could relate the issue with a difficult level in a game. Make your students or kids realize that this is just a difficult level! Surely if they work it out! There will be a reward! Or a level up!! Such measures help kids stay excited and curious. They will strive to solve it until the end of the class.


In a class of young preschoolers. We can not give them a problem-solving exercise an expect them to solve it! No. They will be confused and scared and most of them will develop a mindset believing that they don’t have it in them to tackle the situation. If you wish to inculcate problem-solving skills in your kids. it is wise to presume it is a problem you are stuck in and you need their help. Encourage everyone to participate!

Make a Plan:

Devise a plan with your kids towards how to tackle this problem. Give Suggestions. Problem-solving skills usually take the pace of the predecessor who teaches them. When the time comes and they start having math problems in class. They will always approach it in the manner you taught them.

Forget the numbers at the start!

When you present hem with a math problem. Start by taking out the number. Discuss what the question is actually suggesting. What the object is doing. Drive your kids and students to the brink of a solution. Remind them of what they have done. does this addition or subtraction?

Last attack on number!

Lastly! Attack all the numbers in the end. show them what the question was actually hiding. And how they have already done this. it was just in the way math pops up in real life. Give them examples from activities done in the homeroom.

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